1-His coaching was extremely porpoiseful—back-to-back Super Bowl wins, the first one preceded by a perfect record (14-0). RIP
2-This coach packed a wallop—he led his team to the very first Super Bowl championship. And a nice trophy bears his name.
3-He “grizzly” outlook carried his team on a wave of success, never a losing season under his leadership.
4-“Saddle up your horses”—his cool sideline persona helped the team get to five Super Bowls.
5-Polar opposite of #4, how do you spell O-H-I-O … like this!
6-His winningest percentage as a coach still rocks me. “Win one for the you know who!”
7-This bears repeating. He boasts 40 seasons with the same team—only one a losing season.
8-His roaring coached the team for 45 years—sadly ending in some measure of ignominy.
9-“Oh, Tom.” Give your coach a break—he’s led the team for 20 years this season after stops in Cleveland and New York.
10-This coach of “quiet strength” is a prolific author after years leading pirates and young horses.
Email your answers to Peg@ambaa.com.