By: Katie Burke May 21, 2018

Think back to 1990.  Would you have ever imagined there’d be a moment in the next few decades where a former president could sign a (likely) 8-figure deal to produce material for Netflix?  Who would have even dreamed of Netflix almost 30 years ago?

I’m fairly sure Focus on the Family didn’t, but that’s when they launched Plugged In — to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment.  And that world has rapidly expanded in recent years!  Did you know, for example, that when the Plugged In daily radio feature covers TV shows – that includes what’s popular on big streaming giants like Netflix?  They take their light to everywhere it’s needed so to follow the command of Colossians 2:8:

“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”

One of the most-visited reviews on Plugged In’s website is for the controversial Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why.  The issues dealt with in the series are real – but are they dealt with in a helpful way?  That’s what Focus on the Family addresses through a special webpage with information parents need to know about this show.  It includes a free download — “The Parent’s Guide to 13 Reasons Why” — and links to a six-part podcast, helpful articles, and more.

As broadcasters, we must keep shining a light on what’s popular in culture today.  We also have to be ready to turn the corner to what’s “next.”  A simple way to start shining your light is to air the daily 1:00 radio feature Plugged InCheck it out and ask for clearance today!


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