By: Jennifer Perez September 6, 2018

Some of your listeners will be heading to Indianapolis later this month for the True Woman ’18 Conference, but for those who can’t attend in person, did you know that you can help encourage them to join in the livestream at no cost?

Here are 10 (because it’s the 10th anniversary!) reasons why it’s a brilliant idea to invite your listeners to share in True Woman ’18 . . .

  1. To hear life-changing, lie-busting, freedom-ringing Truth taught by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Eric Mason, Mary Kassian, Jackie Hill Perry, Dannah Gresh (and more!)
  2. To participate in an event that focuses on God’s Truth that sets us free—and nothing else.
  3. To worship King Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, with Keith and Kristyn Getty.
  4. To seek God with all their hearts in powerful, reviving prayer.
  5. To retreat from the daily grind and be spiritually renewed.
  6. To have a good excuse to deepen their friendships by watching with a group of like-minded women.
  7. To learn how the Truth of the gospel and real life intersect through engaging dramas by Acts of Renewal.
  8. To feast on their favorite foods while growing in their love for the Truth.
  9. To be reminded that they’re not alone in the journey of life. We have God’s Word, His Spirit, and each other.
  10. To be changed by God—right where they are without leaving town.

Get the latest details and promotional materials here.

And airing this week (September 10-12) on Revive Our Hearts, listeners will hear Nancy interview her husband Robert Wolgemuth about his new book, Lies Men Believe.  Written as a counterpart to Nancy’s Lies Women Believe, Nancy shares,

Robert wrote this book not as a preacher, but as a friend—sitting down with another man or a small group of guys to talk about some of the lies they may be believing . . . and, even more importantly, the power of the Truth to set them free.  Robert appreciates it when I recommend a book that I think will encourage him as a man of God.  Lies Men Believe is a book you’ll want to share with the men in your life who want to grow in their walk with Christ.

More on this series and upcoming program topics are provided in the September Program Toolkit.

On behalf of Nancy, Robert, and the Revive Our Hearts team, we thank you for your partnership!


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