By: Lee Ann Jackson July 17, 2017

My daughter served as a counselor at church camp recently – her second year as a junior leader.  In her care were five 10-year old girls.  One girl’s name was Sunday.

Rebecca described Sunday as this tiny, almost midget-like, messy girl with mis-matched clothes and an awkward personality that didn’t fit in with the rest of the girls. She said that Sunday not only looked different because she was so small compared to the others, but that her personality matched her stature – she was quiet and kept to herself.

This was Sunday’s second time at camp though she doesn’t come to church.  Rebecca admitted that Sunday held a special place in her heart as she felt burdened that she was the one from her group who most needed to have a church home.

It’s easy to see the importance of lives – particularly when it’s the life of someone who dresses like and looks like everyone else, who knows what to say and when to say it . . . those people are easy to value and love.

More and more, it seems our culture needs the reminder that all lives are important – no matter stature in life (literally or figuratively).  The Life Issues Institute dedicates itself to the goal of restoring a culture that values all human life, young and old, born and unborn, small or large.

What I appreciated from Rebecca’s time with Sunday is that she saw the importance of a life that didn’t fit society’s standard – in appearance or personality.  She said it reminded her of the book by Dr. Seuss,

“A Person’s a Person No Matter How Small.”  

Every day on “Life Issues,” Brad Mattes reminds listeners of that very truth – all lives matter!

(Contact me at to add this 1:00 feature to your line-up.)


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